Jennifer Grace of Grit & Grace Art stands in her living room holding a custom "wildflowers" painting. The background wall colour is a beautiful aqua, with hexagon shelving, holding plants. Jennifer is wearing a white frilly top and black casual pants
Jennifer Grace, of Grit & Grace Art stands poolside holding a custom impasto petal piece called "The wave". It is a turquoise, blue and white thick paint petal painting.
Image of Jennifer Grace of Grit & Grace Art smiling, wearing a black top
Jennifer Grace of Grit & Grace Art Stands in a black and white spaghetti strap dress holding a custom "wildflowers" painting in front of a wooden slat pergola outside.

About Jennifer

Jennifer Grace is an Artist from Milton, Ontario, Canada. She focuses on impasto/”thick paint” petals, a form of textured art. She also has a background in acrylic pouring and will still do it by request.  Her newest collection is focused on the idea of maximal minimalism, aka simple lines, shapes and designs, pushed to the max using texture and decadent thick paint.

She is also concentrating on her “Wildflower” series. Which uses her maximal minimalism style, to take a simple monochrome piece, and push it to the max with luxurious texture!

Jennifer is a self taught Artist, but she enjoys learning, and has taken several art courses, and membership programs.. Jennifer loves to learn and is constantly trying to improve her knowledge and better her skills. Jennifer also gives back to the art community with tips to help in their personal art journeys.

Jennifer is disabled from several severe chronic illnesses. Being a disabled artist is a challenge, and Jennifer has to have many work arounds in order to be able to create her art. But with her grit and determination she fights through the tough days. Painting has given her the ability to be so focused (and mindful) in the moment that it even helps to block out some of her chronic pain. Painting has been a true gift to her, and she hopes to spread that message, and much of her knowledge through her Social media.

Jennifer is a Tri-Art manufacturing affiliate. Tri-Art is a Canadian, family run art supply company. Jennifer joined up with Tri-Art after trying (and loving) their products, as well as being impressed by the company’s values. Tri-Art is committed to being environmentally conscious, and responsible. They are focused on reducing waste water and reusing materials. Jennifer uses everything from their paints and mediums, to their paintbrushes and canvases.

Use the following link to get 10% off your order, directly from the Tri-Art website: Tri-Art-Grit & Grace Art discount or use the code GRIT_AND_GRACE_ART at checkout.

See Jennifer’s Amazon storefront, for access to the other products she uses and recommends.

Amazon Canada - Grit & Grace Art

Amazon US - Grit & Grace Art

Jennifer makes a small commission from any affiliate links you use, at no cost to you. Jennifer is very grateful for your support.